Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/admin/post-types/post-tables/class.llms.admin.post.table.instructors.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.35.0 | Verify nonces and sanitize $_POST data. |
3.13.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- __construct — Constructor
- add_columns — Add Custom Columns
- get_serialized_id — Create a string that can be used in a LIKE query for finding a student's id in the llms_instructors meta field on the usermeta table
- get_views — Ensure that the "Mine" view quick link at the top of the table displays the correct number Most of this is based on WordPress core functions found in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php
- manage_columns — Manage content of custom columns
- pre_get_posts — Handle course & membership queries for searching by llms_instructors rather than author