Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/class.llms.install.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
5.0.0 | Install forms during installation. |
4.15.0 | Added db update functions for orphan access plans cleanup. |
4.0.0 | Added wp_lifterlms_sessions table. Added session cleanup cron. Added db update functions for session manager library cleanup. |
3.36.0 | Added wp_lifterlms_events table. |
3.34.0 | Added filter to the return of the get_schema() method. |
3.28.0 | Unknown. |
1.0.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- check_version — Checks the current LLMS version and runs installer if required
- create_cron_jobs — Create LifterLMS cron jobs
- create_difficulties — Create basic course difficulties on installation
- create_files — Create files needed by LifterLMS
- create_options — Store all default options in the DB
- create_pages — Create essential starter pages
- create_tables — Create LifterLMS DB tables
- create_visibilities — Create default LifterLMS Product & Access Plan Visibility Options
- db_updates — Queue all required db updates into the bg update queue
- dispatch_db_updates — Dispatches the bg updater
- get_can_install_user_id — Get the WP User ID of the first available user who can 'manage_options'
- get_difficulties — Retrieve the default difficulty terms that should be created on a fresh install
- get_schema — Get a string of table data that can be passed to dbDelta() to install LLMS tables
- init — Initialize the install class
- init_background_updater — Initializes the bg updater class
- install — Core install function
- remove_difficulties — Remove the difficulties created by the `create_difficulties()` function
- update_actions — Handle form submission of update related actions
- update_db_version — Update the LifterLMS DB record to the latest version
- update_llms_version — Update the LifterLMS version record to the latest version
- update_notice — Stores an admin notice for the current state of the background updater
- wizard_redirect — Redirects users to the setup wizard