LLMS_Course model class
Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/models/model.llms.course.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
4.0.0 | Remove previously deprecated class methods. |
3.30.3 | Explicitly define class properties. |
1.0.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- get_audio — Attempt to get oEmbed for an audio provider
- get_available_points — Retrieve the total points available for the course
- get_categories — Retrieve course categories
- get_difficulty — Get Difficulty
- get_enrolled_students — Retrieve an array of students currently enrolled in the course
- get_instructors — Retrieve course instructor information
- get_lessons — Get course lessons
- get_percent_complete — Get a user's percentage completion through the course
- get_prerequisite_id — Get course's prerequisite id based on the type of prerequisite
- get_product — Retrieve an instance of the LLMS_Product for this course
- get_quizzes — Retrieve an array of quizzes within a course
- get_sales_page_url — Get the URL to a WP Page or Custom URL when sales page redirection is enabled
- get_sections — Get course sections
- get_student_count — Retrieve the number of enrolled students in the course
- get_students — Get an array of student IDs based on enrollment status in the course
- get_tags — Retrieve course tags
- get_tracks — Retrieve course tracks
- get_video — Attempt to get oEmbed for a video provider
- has_capacity — Determine if the course is at capacity based on course capacity settings
- has_date_passed — Compare a course meta info date to the current date and get a bool
- has_prerequisite — Determine if prerequisites are enabled and there are prereqs configured
- has_sales_page_redirect — Determine if sales page redirection is enabled
- instructors — Retrieve an instance of the Post Instructors model
- is_enrollment_open — Determine if students can access course content based on the current date
- is_open — Determine if students can access course content based on the current date
- is_prerequisite_complete — Determine if a prerequisite is completed for a student
- set_instructors — Save instructor information
- toArrayAfter — Add data to the course model when converted to array