Main LifterLMS Certificates “factory”
Description Description
Handles certificate generation and exports.
See also See also
- LLMS()->certificates()
Source Source
File: includes/class.llms.certificates.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
4.3.1 | When generating the certificate the to export, if $this->scrape_certificate() generates a WP_Error early return it to avoid fatals. |
4.21.0 | Added new class properties: $export_local_hosts , $export_blocked_stylesheet_hosts , and $export_blocked_image_hosts . |
3.38.1 | Use LLMS_Mime_Type_Extractor::from_file_path() when retrieving the certificate's imgs mime types during html export. |
3.37.3 | Refactored get_export_html() method. Added an action llms_certificate_generate_export to allow modification of certificate exports before being stored on the server. |
3.30.3 | Explicitly define class properties. |
1.0.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- __construct — Constructor
- generate_export — Generate a downloadable HTML file for a certificate
- get_export — Retrieve an existing or generate a downloadable HTML file for a certificate
- get_export_html — Retrieves the HTML of a certificate which can be used to create an exportable download
- get_image_data_and_type — Get image data and type given its source URL
- get_stylesheet_raw — Get stylesheet raw content given its URL
- init — Initialize Class
- instance — Instance singleton
- modify_dom — Modify the HTML using DOMDocument.
- modify_dom_images — Modify images of the DOMDocument
- modify_dom_links — Modify head's s of the DOMDocument.
- scrape_certificate — Scrape a LifterLMS Certificate permalink and return the generated HTML.
- trigger_engagement — Award a certificate to a user.