Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/shortcodes/class.llms.shortcodes.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
4.0.0 | Remove reliance on deprecated class LLMS_Quiz_Legacy & stop registering deprecated shortcode [courses] and [lifterlms_user_statistics] . |
1.0.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- access_plan_button — Create a button for an Access Plan
- checkout — Checkout shortcode
- course_info — Output various pieces of metadata about a course
- course_progress — Course Progress Bar Shortcode
- course_title — Retrieve the Course Title
- enqueue_script — Allows shortcodes to enqueue a script by handle
- get_course_id — Retrieve the course ID from within a course, lesson, or quiz
- init — Init shortcodes array
- login — Add a login form
- memberships — Memberships Shortcode
- my_account — My account shortcode
- pricing_table — Output a Pricing Table anywhere a shortcode can be output
- related_courses — Courses shortcode
- shortcode_wrapper — Creates a wrapper for shortcode.