bp_activity_new_comment( array|string $args = '' )

Add an activity comment.

Description Description

Parameters Parameters


(Optional) An array of arguments.

  • 'id'
    (int) Optional. Pass an ID to update an existing comment.
  • 'content'
    (string) The content of the comment.
  • 'user_id'
    (int) Optional. The ID of the user making the comment. Defaults to the ID of the logged-in user.
  • 'activity_id'
    (int) The ID of the "root" activity item, ie the oldest ancestor of the comment.
  • 'parent_id'
    (int) Optional. The ID of the parent activity item, ie the item to which the comment is an immediate reply. If not provided, this value defaults to the $activity_id.
  • 'primary_link'
    (string) Optional. the primary link for the comment. Defaults to an empty string.
  • 'skip_notification'
    (bool) Optional. false to send a comment notification, false otherwise. Defaults to false.
  • 'error_type'
    (string) Optional. Error type. Either 'bool' or 'wp_error'. Default: 'bool'.

Default value: ''

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Return Return

(WP_Error|bool|int) The ID of the comment on success, otherwise false.

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Source Source

File: bp-activity/bp-activity-functions.php

function bp_activity_new_comment( $args = '' ) {
	$bp = buddypress();

	$r = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
		'id'                => false,
		'content'           => false,
		'user_id'           => bp_loggedin_user_id(),
		'activity_id'       => false, // ID of the root activity item.
		'parent_id'         => false, // ID of a parent comment (optional).
		'primary_link'      => '',
		'skip_notification' => false,
		'error_type'        => 'bool'
	) );

	// Error type is boolean; need to initialize some variables for backpat.
	if ( 'bool' === $r['error_type'] ) {
		if ( empty( $bp->activity->errors ) ) {
			$bp->activity->errors = array();

	// Default error message.
	$feedback = __( 'There was an error posting your reply. Please try again.', 'buddypress' );

	// Bail if missing necessary data.
	if ( empty( $r['content'] ) || empty( $r['user_id'] ) || empty( $r['activity_id'] ) ) {
		$error = new WP_Error( 'missing_data', $feedback );

		if ( 'wp_error' === $r['error_type'] ) {
			return $error;

		// Backpat.
		} else {
			$bp->activity->errors['new_comment'] = $error;
			return false;

	// Maybe set current activity ID as the parent.
	if ( empty( $r['parent_id'] ) ) {
		$r['parent_id'] = $r['activity_id'];

	$activity_id = $r['activity_id'];

	// Get the parent activity.
	$activity  = new BP_Activity_Activity( $activity_id );

	// Bail if the parent activity does not exist.
	if ( empty( $activity->date_recorded ) ) {
		$error = new WP_Error( 'missing_activity', __( 'The item you were replying to no longer exists.', 'buddypress' ) );

		if ( 'wp_error' === $r['error_type'] ) {
			return $error;

		// Backpat.
		} else {
			$bp->activity->errors['new_comment'] = $error;
			return false;


	// Check to see if the parent activity is hidden, and if so, hide this comment publicly.
	$is_hidden = $activity->hide_sitewide ? 1 : 0;

	 * Filters the content of a new comment.
	 * @since 1.2.0
	 * @since 3.0.0 Added $context parameter to disambiguate from bp_get_activity_comment_content().
	 * @param string $r       Content for the newly posted comment.
	 * @param string $context This filter's context ("new").
	$comment_content = apply_filters( 'bp_activity_comment_content', $r['content'], 'new' );

	// Insert the activity comment.
	$comment_id = bp_activity_add( array(
		'id'                => $r['id'],
		'content'           => $comment_content,
		'component'         => buddypress()->activity->id,
		'type'              => 'activity_comment',
		'primary_link'      => $r['primary_link'],
		'user_id'           => $r['user_id'],
		'item_id'           => $activity_id,
		'secondary_item_id' => $r['parent_id'],
		'hide_sitewide'     => $is_hidden,
		'error_type'        => $r['error_type']
	) );

	// Bail on failure.
	if ( false === $comment_id || is_wp_error( $comment_id ) ) {
		return $comment_id;

	// Comment caches are stored only with the top-level item.
	wp_cache_delete( $activity_id, 'bp_activity_comments' );

	// Walk the tree to clear caches for all parent items.
	$clear_id = $r['parent_id'];
	while ( $clear_id != $activity_id ) {
		$clear_object = new BP_Activity_Activity( $clear_id );
		wp_cache_delete( $clear_id, 'bp_activity' );
		$clear_id = intval( $clear_object->secondary_item_id );
	wp_cache_delete( $activity_id, 'bp_activity' );

	if ( empty( $r[ 'skip_notification' ] ) ) {
		 * Fires near the end of an activity comment posting, before the returning of the comment ID.
		 * Sends a notification to the user @see bp_activity_new_comment_notification_helper().
		 * @since 1.2.0
		 * @param int                  $comment_id ID of the newly posted activity comment.
		 * @param array                $r          Array of parsed comment arguments.
		 * @param BP_Activity_Activity $activity   Activity item being commented on.
		do_action( 'bp_activity_comment_posted', $comment_id, $r, $activity );
	} else {
		 * Fires near the end of an activity comment posting, before the returning of the comment ID.
		 * without sending a notification to the user
		 * @since 2.5.0
		 * @param int                  $comment_id ID of the newly posted activity comment.
		 * @param array                $r          Array of parsed comment arguments.
		 * @param BP_Activity_Activity $activity   Activity item being commented on.
		do_action( 'bp_activity_comment_posted_notification_skipped', $comment_id, $r, $activity );

	if ( empty( $comment_id ) ) {
		$error = new WP_Error( 'comment_failed', $feedback );

		if ( 'wp_error' === $r['error_type'] ) {
			return $error;

		// Backpat.
		} else {
			$bp->activity->errors['new_comment'] = $error;

	return $comment_id;

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
2.6.0 Added 'error_type' parameter to $args.
2.5.0 Add a new possible parameter $skip_notification for the array of arguments. Add the $primary_link parameter for the array of arguments.
1.2.0 Introduced.

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