BP_Blogs_Blog::get_blogs_for_user( int $user_id, bool $show_hidden = false )
Get all of a user’s blogs, as tracked by BuddyPress.
Description Description
Note that this is different from the WordPress function get_blogs_of_user(); the current method returns only those blogs that have been recorded by BuddyPress, while the WP function does a true query of a user’s blog capabilities.
Parameters Parameters
- $user_id
(Optional) ID of the user whose blogs are being queried. Defaults to logged-in user.
- $show_hidden
(Optional) Whether to include blogs that are not marked public. Defaults to true when viewing one's own profile.
Default value: false
Return Return
(array) Multidimensional results array, structured as follows: 'blogs' - Array of located blog objects. 'total' - A count of the total blogs for the user.
Source Source
File: bp-blogs/classes/class-bp-blogs-blog.php
public static function get_blogs_for_user( $user_id = 0, $show_hidden = false ) { global $wpdb; $bp = buddypress(); if ( !$user_id ) $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); // Show logged in users their hidden blogs. if ( !bp_is_my_profile() && !$show_hidden ) $blogs = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT b.blog_id, b.id, bm1.meta_value as name, wb.domain, wb.path FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} b, {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb, {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm1 WHERE b.blog_id = wb.blog_id AND b.blog_id = bm1.blog_id AND bm1.meta_key = 'name' AND wb.public = 1 AND wb.deleted = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND b.user_id = %d ORDER BY b.blog_id", $user_id ) ); else $blogs = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT b.blog_id, b.id, bm1.meta_value as name, wb.domain, wb.path FROM {$bp->blogs->table_name} b, {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs wb, {$bp->blogs->table_name_blogmeta} bm1 WHERE b.blog_id = wb.blog_id AND b.blog_id = bm1.blog_id AND bm1.meta_key = 'name' AND wb.deleted = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND b.user_id = %d ORDER BY b.blog_id", $user_id ) ); $total_blog_count = BP_Blogs_Blog::total_blog_count_for_user( $user_id ); $user_blogs = array(); foreach ( (array) $blogs as $blog ) { $user_blogs[$blog->blog_id] = new stdClass; $user_blogs[$blog->blog_id]->id = (int) $blog->id; $user_blogs[$blog->blog_id]->blog_id = (int) $blog->blog_id; $user_blogs[$blog->blog_id]->siteurl = ( is_ssl() ) ? 'https://' . $blog->domain . $blog->path : 'http://' . $blog->domain . $blog->path; $user_blogs[$blog->blog_id]->name = $blog->name; } return array( 'blogs' => $user_blogs, 'count' => $total_blog_count ); }