bp_nouveau_messages_enqueue_styles( array $styles = array() )
Enqueue styles for the Messages UI (mentions).
Description Description
Parameters Parameters
- $styles
(Optional) The array of styles to enqueue.
Default value: array()
Return Return
(array) The same array with the specific messages styles.
Source Source
File: bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/messages/functions.php
function bp_nouveau_messages_enqueue_styles( $styles = array() ) { if ( ! bp_is_user_messages() ) { return $styles; } return array_merge( $styles, array( 'bp-nouveau-messages-at' => array( 'file' => buddypress()->plugin_url . 'bp-activity/css/mentions%1$s%2$s.css', 'dependencies' => array( 'bp-nouveau' ), 'version' => bp_get_version(), ), ) ); }
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.0.0 | Introduced. |