woocommerce_wp_select( array $field )

Output a select input box.

Description Description

Parameters Parameters


(Required) Data about the field to render.

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Source Source

File: includes/admin/wc-meta-box-functions.php

function woocommerce_wp_select( $field ) {
	global $thepostid, $post;

	$thepostid = empty( $thepostid ) ? $post->ID : $thepostid;
	$field     = wp_parse_args(
		$field, array(
			'class'             => 'select short',
			'style'             => '',
			'wrapper_class'     => '',
			'value'             => get_post_meta( $thepostid, $field['id'], true ),
			'name'              => $field['id'],
			'desc_tip'          => false,
			'custom_attributes' => array(),

	$wrapper_attributes = array(
		'class' => $field['wrapper_class'] . " form-field {$field['id']}_field",

	$label_attributes = array(
		'for' => $field['id'],

	$field_attributes          = (array) $field['custom_attributes'];
	$field_attributes['style'] = $field['style'];
	$field_attributes['id']    = $field['id'];
	$field_attributes['name']  = $field['name'];
	$field_attributes['class'] = $field['class'];

	$tooltip     = ! empty( $field['description'] ) && false !== $field['desc_tip'] ? $field['description'] : '';
	$description = ! empty( $field['description'] ) && false === $field['desc_tip'] ? $field['description'] : '';
	<p <?php echo wc_implode_html_attributes( $wrapper_attributes ); // WPCS: XSS ok. ?>>
		<label <?php echo wc_implode_html_attributes( $label_attributes ); // WPCS: XSS ok. ?>><?php echo wp_kses_post( $field['label'] ); ?></label>
		<?php if ( $tooltip ) : ?>
			<?php echo wc_help_tip( $tooltip ); // WPCS: XSS ok. ?>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<select <?php echo wc_implode_html_attributes( $field_attributes ); // WPCS: XSS ok. ?>>
			foreach ( $field['options'] as $key => $value ) {
				echo '<option value="' . esc_attr( $key ) . '"' . wc_selected( $key, $field['value'] ) . '>' . esc_html( $value ) . '</option>';
		<?php if ( $description ) : ?>
			<span class="description"><?php echo wp_kses_post( $description ); ?></span>
		<?php endif; ?>

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