wc_get_template_part( mixed $slug, string $name = '' )
Get template part (for templates like the shop-loop).
Description Description
WC_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE will prevent overrides in themes from taking priority.
Parameters Parameters
- $slug
(Required) Template slug.
- $name
(Optional) Template name (default: '').
Default value: ''
Source Source
File: includes/wc-core-functions.php
function wc_get_template_part( $slug, $name = '' ) { $cache_key = sanitize_key( implode( '-', array( 'template-part', $slug, $name, Constants::get_constant( 'WC_VERSION' ) ) ) ); $template = (string) wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'woocommerce' ); if ( ! $template ) { if ( $name ) { $template = WC_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE ? '' : locate_template( array( "{$slug}-{$name}.php", WC()->template_path() . "{$slug}-{$name}.php", ) ); if ( ! $template ) { $fallback = WC()->plugin_path() . "/templates/{$slug}-{$name}.php"; $template = file_exists( $fallback ) ? $fallback : ''; } } if ( ! $template ) { // If template file doesn't exist, look in yourtheme/slug.php and yourtheme/woocommerce/slug.php. $template = WC_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE ? '' : locate_template( array( "{$slug}.php", WC()->template_path() . "{$slug}.php", ) ); } // Don't cache the absolute path so that it can be shared between web servers with different paths. $cache_path = wc_tokenize_path( $template, wc_get_path_define_tokens() ); wc_set_template_cache( $cache_key, $cache_path ); } else { // Make sure that the absolute path to the template is resolved. $template = wc_untokenize_path( $template, wc_get_path_define_tokens() ); } // Allow 3rd party plugins to filter template file from their plugin. $template = apply_filters( 'wc_get_template_part', $template, $slug, $name ); if ( $template ) { load_template( $template, false ); } }