WC_Legacy_Cart::__get( string $name )
Magic getters.
Description Description
If you add/remove cases here please update $legacy_keys in __isset accordingly.
Parameters Parameters
- $name
(Required) Property name.
Return Return
Source Source
File: includes/legacy/class-wc-legacy-cart.php
public function &__get( $name ) { $value = ''; switch ( $name ) { case 'dp' : $value = wc_get_price_decimals(); break; case 'prices_include_tax' : $value = wc_prices_include_tax(); break; case 'round_at_subtotal' : $value = 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_tax_round_at_subtotal' ); break; case 'cart_contents_total' : $value = $this->get_cart_contents_total(); break; case 'total' : $value = $this->get_total( 'edit' ); break; case 'subtotal' : $value = $this->get_subtotal() + $this->get_subtotal_tax(); break; case 'subtotal_ex_tax' : $value = $this->get_subtotal(); break; case 'tax_total' : $value = $this->get_fee_tax() + $this->get_cart_contents_tax(); break; case 'fee_total' : $value = $this->get_fee_total(); break; case 'discount_cart' : $value = $this->get_discount_total(); break; case 'discount_cart_tax' : $value = $this->get_discount_tax(); break; case 'shipping_total' : $value = $this->get_shipping_total(); break; case 'shipping_tax_total' : $value = $this->get_shipping_tax(); break; case 'display_totals_ex_tax' : case 'display_cart_ex_tax' : $value = ! $this->display_prices_including_tax(); break; case 'cart_contents_weight' : $value = $this->get_cart_contents_weight(); break; case 'cart_contents_count' : $value = $this->get_cart_contents_count(); break; case 'coupons' : $value = $this->get_coupons(); break; // Arrays returned by reference to allow modification without notices. TODO: Remove in 4.0. case 'taxes' : wc_deprecated_function( 'WC_Cart->taxes', '3.2', sprintf( 'getters (%s) and setters (%s)', 'WC_Cart::get_cart_contents_taxes()', 'WC_Cart::set_cart_contents_taxes()' ) ); $value = &$this->totals[ 'cart_contents_taxes' ]; break; case 'shipping_taxes' : wc_deprecated_function( 'WC_Cart->shipping_taxes', '3.2', sprintf( 'getters (%s) and setters (%s)', 'WC_Cart::get_shipping_taxes()', 'WC_Cart::set_shipping_taxes()' ) ); $value = &$this->totals[ 'shipping_taxes' ]; break; case 'coupon_discount_amounts' : $value = &$this->coupon_discount_totals; break; case 'coupon_discount_tax_amounts' : $value = &$this->coupon_discount_tax_totals; break; case 'fees' : wc_deprecated_function( 'WC_Cart->fees', '3.2', sprintf( 'the fees API (%s)', 'WC_Cart::get_fees' ) ); // Grab fees from the new API. $new_fees = $this->fees_api()->get_fees(); // Add new fees to the legacy prop so it can be adjusted via legacy property. $this->fees = $new_fees; // Return by reference. $value = &$this->fees; break; // Deprecated args. TODO: Remove in 4.0. case 'tax' : wc_deprecated_argument( 'WC_Cart->tax', '2.3', 'Use WC_Tax directly' ); $this->tax = new WC_Tax(); $value = $this->tax; break; case 'discount_total': wc_deprecated_argument( 'WC_Cart->discount_total', '2.3', 'After tax coupons are no longer supported. For more information see: https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2014/12/upcoming-coupon-changes-in-woocommerce-2-3/' ); $value = 0; break; } return $value; }