WC_Product_Data_Store_CPT::read_product_data( WC_Product $product )

Read product data. Can be overridden by child classes to load other props.

Description Description

Parameters Parameters


(Required) Product object.

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Source Source

File: includes/data-stores/class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php

	protected function read_product_data( &$product ) {
		$id                = $product->get_id();
		$post_meta_values  = get_post_meta( $id );
		$meta_key_to_props = array(
			'_sku'                   => 'sku',
			'_regular_price'         => 'regular_price',
			'_sale_price'            => 'sale_price',
			'_price'                 => 'price',
			'_sale_price_dates_from' => 'date_on_sale_from',
			'_sale_price_dates_to'   => 'date_on_sale_to',
			'total_sales'            => 'total_sales',
			'_tax_status'            => 'tax_status',
			'_tax_class'             => 'tax_class',
			'_manage_stock'          => 'manage_stock',
			'_backorders'            => 'backorders',
			'_low_stock_amount'      => 'low_stock_amount',
			'_sold_individually'     => 'sold_individually',
			'_weight'                => 'weight',
			'_length'                => 'length',
			'_width'                 => 'width',
			'_height'                => 'height',
			'_upsell_ids'            => 'upsell_ids',
			'_crosssell_ids'         => 'cross_sell_ids',
			'_purchase_note'         => 'purchase_note',
			'_default_attributes'    => 'default_attributes',
			'_virtual'               => 'virtual',
			'_downloadable'          => 'downloadable',
			'_download_limit'        => 'download_limit',
			'_download_expiry'       => 'download_expiry',
			'_thumbnail_id'          => 'image_id',
			'_stock'                 => 'stock_quantity',
			'_stock_status'          => 'stock_status',
			'_wc_average_rating'     => 'average_rating',
			'_wc_rating_count'       => 'rating_counts',
			'_wc_review_count'       => 'review_count',
			'_product_image_gallery' => 'gallery_image_ids',

		$set_props = array();

		foreach ( $meta_key_to_props as $meta_key => $prop ) {
			$meta_value         = isset( $post_meta_values[ $meta_key ][0] ) ? $post_meta_values[ $meta_key ][0] : null;
			$set_props[ $prop ] = maybe_unserialize( $meta_value ); // get_post_meta only unserializes single values.

		$set_props['category_ids']      = $this->get_term_ids( $product, 'product_cat' );
		$set_props['tag_ids']           = $this->get_term_ids( $product, 'product_tag' );
		$set_props['shipping_class_id'] = current( $this->get_term_ids( $product, 'product_shipping_class' ) );
		$set_props['gallery_image_ids'] = array_filter( explode( ',', $set_props['gallery_image_ids'] ) );

		$product->set_props( $set_props );

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.0.0 Introduced.

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