Manages posts, content, and meta.
# Create a new post.
$ wp post create --post_type=post --post_title='A sample post'
Success: Created post 123.
# Update an existing post.
$ wp post update 123 --post_status=draft
Success: Updated post 123.
# Delete an existing post.
$ wp post delete 123
Success: Trashed post 123.
Name | Description |
post url-to-id | |
wp post create | Creates a new post. |
wp post delete | Deletes an existing post. |
wp post edit | Launches system editor to edit post content. |
wp post exists | Verifies whether a post exists. |
wp post generate | Generates some posts. |
wp post get | Gets details about a post. |
wp post list | Gets a list of posts. |
wp post meta | Adds, updates, deletes, and lists post custom fields. |
wp post term | Adds, updates, removes, and lists post terms. |
wp post update | Updates one or more existing posts. |
Command documentation is regenerated at every release. To add or update an example, please submit a pull request against the corresponding part of the codebase.