Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/lib/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_filters.php
Methods Methods
- decodeFilter — Decode data using the specified filter type.
- decodeFilterASCII85Decode — ASCII85Decode Decodes data encoded in an ASCII base-85 representation, reproducing the original binary data.
- decodeFilterASCIIHexDecode — ASCIIHexDecode Decodes data encoded in an ASCII hexadecimal representation, reproducing the original binary data.
- decodeFilterCCITTFaxDecode — CCITTFaxDecode (NOT IMPLEMETED - RETURN AN EXCEPTION) Decompresses data encoded using the CCITT facsimile standard, reproducing the original data (typically monochrome image data at 1 bit per pixel).
- decodeFilterCrypt — Crypt (NOT IMPLEMETED - RETURN AN EXCEPTION) Decrypts data encrypted by a security handler, reproducing the data as it was before encryption.
- decodeFilterDCTDecode — DCTDecode (NOT IMPLEMETED - RETURN AN EXCEPTION) Decompresses data encoded using a DCT (discrete cosine transform) technique based on the JPEG standard, reproducing image sample data that approximates the original data.
- decodeFilterFlateDecode — FlateDecode Decompresses data encoded using the zlib/deflate compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data.
- decodeFilterJBIG2Decode — JBIG2Decode (NOT IMPLEMETED - RETURN AN EXCEPTION) Decompresses data encoded using the JBIG2 standard, reproducing the original monochrome (1 bit per pixel) image data (or an approximation of that data).
- decodeFilterJPXDecode — JPXDecode (NOT IMPLEMETED - RETURN AN EXCEPTION) Decompresses data encoded using the wavelet-based JPEG2000 standard, reproducing the original image data.
- decodeFilterLZWDecode — LZWDecode Decompresses data encoded using the LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) adaptive compression method, reproducing the original text or binary data.
- decodeFilterRunLengthDecode — RunLengthDecode Decompresses data encoded using a byte-oriented run-length encoding algorithm.
- decodeFilterStandard — Standard Default decoding filter (leaves data unchanged).
- Error — Throw an exception.
- getAvailableFilters — Get a list of available decoding filters.