Description Description
Source Source
File: includes/lib/wp-pro-quiz/lib/model/WpProQuiz_Model_StatisticRefMapper.php
Methods Methods
- countFormOverview
- countHistory
- countOverview
- countOverviewNew
- deleteAll
- deleteByRefId
- deleteByUserIdQuizId
- deleteQuestion
- deleteUser
- deleteUserTest
- fetchAll
- fetchAllByRef
- fetchAvg
- fetchByQuiz
- fetchByRefId
- fetchFormOverview
- fetchFrontAvg
- fetchHistory
- fetchHistoryWithArgs
- fetchOverview
- fetchSelected — Fetch records from statistics table with limit and offset.
- fetchSelectedCount — Fetch records count from statistics table with limit and offset.
- fetchStatisticOverview
- fetchStatisticOverviewWithArgs
- fetchTotalPoints — Fetch total points for a quiz by stat_ref_id.
- statisticSave