Class ActionScheduler_DBStore
Description Description
Action data table data store.
Source Source
File: packages/action-scheduler/classes/data-stores/ActionScheduler_DBStore.php
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.0.0 | Introduced. |
Methods Methods
- action_counts — Get a count of all actions in the store, grouped by status.
- bulk_cancel_actions — Bulk cancel actions.
- cancel_action — Cancel an action.
- cancel_actions_by_group — Cancel pending actions by group.
- cancel_actions_by_hook — Cancel pending actions by hook.
- claim_actions — Mark actions claimed.
- create_group — Create an action group.
- delete_action — Delete an action.
- fetch_action — Retrieve an action.
- find_action — Find an action.
- find_actions_by_claim_id — Retrieve the action IDs of action in a claim.
- generate_claim_id — Generate a new action claim.
- get_args_for_query — Get action args query param value from action args.
- get_claim_count — Get the number of active claims.
- get_claim_id — Return an action's claim ID, as stored in the claim_id column.
- get_date — Get the schedule date for an action.
- get_date_gmt — Get the GMT schedule date for an action.
- get_group_id — Get a group's ID based on its name/slug.
- get_null_action — Create a null action.
- get_query_actions_sql — Returns the SQL statement to query (or count) actions.
- get_status — Get an action's status.
- hash_args — Generate a hash from json_encoded $args using MD5 as this isn't for security.
- init — Initialize the data store
- log_execution — Add execution message to action log.
- make_action_from_db_record — Create an action from a database record.
- mark_complete — Mark an action as complete.
- mark_failure — Mark an action as failed.
- query_actions — Query for action count of list of action IDs.
- release_claim — Release actions from a claim and delete the claim.
- save_action — Save an action.
- stake_claim — Stake a claim on actions.
- unclaim_action — Remove the claim from an action.