xprofile_admin_field( BP_XProfile_Field $admin_field, object $admin_group, string $class = '', bool $is_signup = false )

Handles the WYSIWYG display of each profile field on the edit screen.

Description Description

Parameters Parameters


(Required) Admin field.


(Required) Admin group object.


(Optional) Classes to append to output.

Default value: ''


(Optional) Whether the admin field output is made inside the signup group.

Default value: false

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Source Source

File: bp-xprofile/bp-xprofile-admin.php

function xprofile_admin_field( $admin_field, $admin_group, $class = '' ) {
	global $field;

	$field = $admin_field;

	// Users admin URL
	$url = bp_get_admin_url( 'users.php' );

	// Edit
	$field_edit_url = add_query_arg( array(
		'page'     => 'bp-profile-setup',
		'mode'     => 'edit_field',
		'group_id' => (int) $field->group_id,
		'field_id' => (int) $field->id
	), $url );

	// Delete
	if ( $field->can_delete ) {
		$field_delete_url = add_query_arg( array(
			'page'     => 'bp-profile-setup',
			'mode'     => 'delete_field',
			'field_id' => (int) $field->id
		), $url . '#tabs-' . (int) $field->group_id );
	} ?>

	<fieldset id="draggable_field_<?php echo esc_attr( $field->id ); ?>" class="sortable<?php echo ' ' . $field->type; if ( !empty( $class ) ) echo ' ' . $class; ?>">
				<?php bp_the_profile_field_name(); ?>

				<?php if ( empty( $field->can_delete )                                    ) : ?><?php esc_html_e( '(Primary)', 'buddypress' ); endif; ?>
				<?php bp_the_profile_field_required_label(); ?>
				<?php if ( bp_xprofile_get_meta( $field->id, 'field', 'signup_position' ) ) : ?><?php esc_html_e( '(Sign-up)', 'buddypress' ); endif; ?>
				<?php if ( bp_get_member_types() ) : echo $field->get_member_type_label(); endif; ?>


				 * Fires at end of legend above the name field in base xprofile group.
				 * @since 2.2.0
				 * @param BP_XProfile_Field $field Current BP_XProfile_Field
				 *                                 object being rendered.
				do_action( 'xprofile_admin_field_name_legend', $field ); ?>
		<div class="field-wrapper">

			if ( in_array( $field->type, array_keys( bp_xprofile_get_field_types() ) ) ) {
				$field_type = bp_xprofile_create_field_type( $field->type );
			} else {

				 * Fires after the input if the current field is not in default field types.
				 * @since 1.5.0
				 * @param BP_XProfile_Field $field Current BP_XProfile_Field
				 *                                 object being rendered.
				 * @param int               $value Integer 1.
				do_action( 'xprofile_admin_field', $field, 1 );

			<?php if ( $field->description ) : ?>

				<p class="description"><?php echo esc_attr( $field->description ); ?></p>

			<?php endif; ?>

			<div class="actions">
				<a class="button edit" href="<?php echo esc_url( $field_edit_url ); ?>"><?php _ex( 'Edit', 'Edit field link', 'buddypress' ); ?></a>

				<?php if ( $field->can_delete ) : ?>

					<div class="delete-button">
						<a class="confirm submit-delete deletion" href="<?php echo esc_url( wp_nonce_url( $field_delete_url, 'bp_xprofile_delete_field-' . $field->id, 'bp_xprofile_delete_field' ) ); ?>"><?php _ex( 'Delete', 'Delete field link', 'buddypress' ); ?></a>

				<?php endif; ?>


				 * Fires at end of field management links in xprofile management admin.
				 * @since 2.2.0
				 * @param BP_XProfile_Group $group BP_XProfile_Group object
				 *                                 for the current group.
				do_action( 'xprofile_admin_field_action', $field ); ?>



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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
8.0.0 Adds the $is_signup parameter.
1.5.0 Introduced.

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